Win a bunker

Time is Money

When most people think about insurance, they think about protecting their most valuable possessions: their home, their car, their boat, maybe their jewellery or silverware. What many don’t think about, however, is their income! And, more to the point, what would happen to it - and their family’s wellbeing - in the event of illness, accident or death. But that is precisely what the insurance expert Delta Lloyd Life wanted people to think about.

The website

On the website you’ll find a 3D model of the bunker-slash-holiday-home, a series of video clips documenting the construction/conversion process and, of course, what it’s all actually about: getting ultimate protection for you and your family courtesy of Delta Lloyd Life’s personalised Family Packs. Traffic was constantly driven to the site via a variety of media including online bannering, a comprehensive PR campaign and radio spots.
